Vital Pass
Safeguard your sensitive information.
It’s a bit of a taboo topic, and one that folks tend to put off. But, it’s something that none of us can run from — End of life. The true paradox is who is going to manage your estate? In this digital age we have a TON of passwords. An endless amount of personal info, banking, financial, health and the list goes on. When it comes time to meet our maker, don’t let your assets be a mystery.
Introducing Vital Pass, a blend between digital and analog tools to manage all of the accounts that make you, you.
Donna Balaski, the company’s founder, came to us with a truly incredible idea and the vision for how it can prosper. She leaned on our team to not only design the product, but breathe life into the brand.

The Starting Point
Not every experience is a matter of life and death. In this case, it technically was. We wanted to take a very abrasive and morbid topic, and breathe incredibly positive vibes of life. The challenge here was finding a way to captivate people’s attention with a beautiful palette that helped people feel comfortable.
In addition, the obstacles we had to overcome was creating a printable asset to appeal to a higher aged demographic, but also the digital application that made it accessible to the masses.


“I needed a partner who believed in my vision as much as I did.”
Our Strategy & Process
Vital Pass was a descriptive name. We honed our resources on what Vital Pass really stood for, and the visual elements and connections were endless. Thematics that came up for us were a lock and key, heart, connection, flowing geometry. Since the product was going to cover a lot of ground, we developed the logo pulling many of these themes together.
Hopefully upon first glance, you’ll see things like the infinity sign in the logo, a keyhole that doubles as a person, and even two interconnected hearts.
The font choice for the logo type was not taken lightly. Using a Sans Serif that is delicate, but also prominent was the perfect complement to what we were doing.

After the logo was sorted, we began mapping out several conceptual directions for extending the brand into icons, type, colors and visual elements. Our process builds somewhat of a mood board, similar to how you would pull various elements together while planning to redecorate a room.
As you look through the brand elements, we pulled inspiration from a pastel palette, but made sure to bring it to life using the premise of the 7 chakras. Ranging from deepest purple to sky blue.

Tangible Results
Still early days for Vital Pass, but the lion share of the work we have done has been infrastructure and brand development.
We built out an impressive Design System that not only looks beautiful, but also will make asset development in the future a breeze. It’s built to scale.
After the Design System was complete, we started to craft the story we wanted to tell online. The Website had to be clean, sexy, and really straight-forward. This is a new product after all. People have heard about LastPass and OnePassword, but Vital Pass was different. It is the only solution you truly keep analog and centralized.
months to build, launch and deploy this project
increase in engagement and brand awareness
the company is now successfully selling the product
five Star Reviews (and counting!)

“I’m left in awe with how this brand came together. I can sit and admire how complementary and deep each element it is.”
What is now possible
The first phase of this project was the most integral part of the engagement. This is where the brand truly gains an identity. Prior to partnering with EverWonder, it wasn’t really feasible or possible to purchase Vital Pass. There was an avenue via ‘fulfillment by amazon’, but the margins were absolutely reduced going this route. Also, it didn’t allow Vital Pass to control the process.
With an editable content management system, we now have the ability to amend and adapt messaging based on user feedback. It doesn’t take a length process and dependency on an Agency. HubSpot unlocks a deeper level of personalization as well, where we can adapt content based on the user, and personalize the experience from user information.

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OneClick Data
The roofing technology experts.